Example of Narrative Text - Mantu’s Little Elephant
Example of Narrative Text
Mantu’s Little Elephant
Little Mantu lived in a village deep in the jungle where elephants helped the men with their work. These elephants were so big and strong. They could lift up the heaviest logs with their trunks and toss them high in the air.
Now, Mantu had an elephant of his very own. His name was Opie. He was just a baby and Mantu loved him very much. Mantu whispered to Opie’s ear that someday he would become the biggest, strongest and bravest elephant in the jungle. The other elephants heard this. They began to laugh and made rude noises with their trunks. “We’re so big and tall, but you’re so small. You’re nothing at all,” said one of the big elephants.
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Mantu looked up at the huge elephant with a mischievous glint in his eye. “You’re so tall and can see far away. We can see what is happening down here in the jungle. In fact, we would be the first to see any slithering snakes that may be a danger. “After hearing the word snakes, the elephants screeched and off they gwents thundering in fright.
“Did I say there were snakes?” giggled Mantu. “No, I don’t think so,” smiled Opie. Mantu then climbed upon his little friend’s back and went home to the village to tell everyone about the foolish elephants.
Adapted from: 50 Bedtime Stories, 2002