Dialogues About Phone Conversation III
Here are some expressions used in telephoning. Match the expressions on the right column with the Indonesian equivalents on the left. Draw lines to match them.
Indonesian equivalents
1. Would you like to wait for a moment?
a. Maaf, saluran sibuk
2. May I ask who’s speaking,
please! |
b. Bisakah saya tulis pesan Anda?
3. I’m sorry the line is busy.
c. Mohon telepon kembali
4. Could you hang off the telephone,
please! |
d. Mohon tunggu sebentar
5. I’m sorry you dial the wrong
number. |
e. Maaf, salah sambung
6. Would you like to call back?
f. Apakah mau meninggalkan
pesan? |
7. Can I take a message?
g. Mohon meletakkan telepon
8. Would you like to leave the
message? |
h. Boleh tanya, siapa yang bicara.
Work in pairs. Act out the following phone conversation.
1. Tini : Hi there.
Her friend : Hi. Tini. How are you?
Tini : Good. Thanks. Could I borrow
your laptop, please?
Two days, I suppose.
your laptop, please?
Two days, I suppose.
Her friend : That’ll be fine, Tin.
2. A : Good afternoon. Dr. Rizal’s office. Can I help you?
B : Yes, I’d like to make an appointment with
Dr. Rizal, please.
Dr. Rizal, please.
A : Fine. Is Tuesday morning at five all right?
B : Yes. Thank you.
3. A : Hello. Can I talk to Hendra, please?
B : He’s not home right now. Would you like
to leave a message?
to leave a message?
A : Ok. Please tell him Andri called him. Thanks.
B : Sure. Thanks.
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